Saturday, December 18, 2010


i would like to turn these into prints soon.

new little prints

most of these are a mix of watercolor block prints and soy based printing ink.

solvent transfer drawings

drawings done by using volatile solvents to transfer printer toner from one piece of paper to another.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


this is the Crope. it was composed of a combination of crow and a pope hat. i really enjoy working with cardboard and i think i get good results with it. hopefully this summer i can find a place to get a 4' x 8' pallet of cardboard so i can really play around with it.


these are the pieces that were in the process 13 group show.


1 : intended for display : open to view

2 : being such in appearance : plausible rather than demonstrably true or real ostensible purpose for the trip>

Merriam-Webster dictionary

I chose the word ostensible because of the definition up top. In practice it means little more than the word appearances but the phrasing of the definition suggests so much more. These prints too are little more than impressions but they also allude to more.

Relief printmaking is all about surface. For this suite I took one piece of plywood and removed each layer. After a layer was removed I printed the block 5 times. This process was repeated until there was one ply that was the thickness of a penny. Each layer I removed the block surprised me time and time again with a rich variety of textures and internal narratives.


monolith0print I + II
trace monotype
about 9" x 24"

old carmen pictures

carmen portrait
acrylic on canvas
4' x 6'

internal architecture
woodbock print
19" x 25"